
How in-depth are your thoughts?

How far-fetched do you think?

I think beyond physical structure, building my emotions off my imagination.

Experience is overrated.

How in-depth are your thoughts?

Do you think before you act?

Or act before you think?

Thinking is fundamentally, on that note, so is reading.

How in-depth are your thoughts?

What position do find yourself often in?

Are you self-destructive?

Can you read minds?

How in-depth are my thoughts?

I don’t know.

I’ve discovered my thoughts have no beginning, nor ending. They continually populate like germ particles in the open air. The depth of my thoughts are as hollow as the devils heart, better yet his soul.

Is that deep enough for you?

Or too much to handle?

Returning to the question at hand, how in-depth are your thoughts?